Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Felecia (Take Two)

Greetings and salutations!  (and just so we’re clear, this is an introduction between my new blog and me...) I have no qualms with bystanders and admittedly perform better when I feel their presence, yet as I mentioned, this very awkward introduction is specific to my new blog. 

You see, once upon a time (circa 2004) there existed a blog entitled 'Felecia'.  It was a trendy new way to avoid mass email and keep up to date on the doings of my friends & family and, in turn, bring loved ones up to speed on that which consumed my own life.  My children, mostly.  It was not simply a mommy blog but also a wonderful forum for a girl such as myself to rant about the miscellaneous details of my very Midwestern life. 

It is now 2013.  My family has frolicked to Facebook and friends are chirping via Twitter.  I've tried it some and cringed.  But it's time for another go and I dare say social media is no passing fancy.  Much as I imagined my reluctance to be eccentric or quirky, I now see myself for what I truly am…er… was.  A bitter technophobe with her head stuck in the sands of the (brand) new millennia. 

To you, social media, I extend this olive branch.  Sure, it’s an olive branch of defeat but here it is nonetheless. I will reconnect with my joy of blogging, and I will dust off the ole’ Facebook profile.  And as my husband’s sweet grandmother told me recently, “you know honey, if you don’t like somebody’s postings, you simply unfriend them!” 

Here’s to you Gramma Donnie.